Thursday, December 26, 2019

Facts About Muscle Tissue

Muscle tissue is made of excitable cells that are capable of contraction. Of all the different tissue types (muscle, epithelial, connective, and nervous), muscle tissue is the most abundant tissue in most animals, including in humans. Muscle Tissue Types Muscle tissue contains numerous microfilaments composed of the contractile proteins actin and myosin. These proteins are responsible for movement in muscles. The three major types of muscle tissue are: Cardiac Muscle: Cardiac muscle is so named because it is found in the heart. Cells are joined to one another by intercalated discs, which allow the synchronization of the heartbeat. Cardiac muscle is branched, striated muscle. The heart wall consists of three layers: epicardium, myocardium, and endocardium. Myocardium is the middle muscular layer of the heart. Myocardial muscle fibers carry electrical impulses through the heart that power cardiac conduction.  Skeletal Muscle: Skeletal muscle, which is attached to the bones by tendons, is controlled by the peripheral nervous system and associated with the bodys voluntary movements. Skeletal muscle is striated muscle. Unlike cardiac muscle, the cells are not branched. Skeletal muscle cells are covered by connective tissue, which protects and supports muscle fiber bundles. Blood vessels and nerves run through the connective tissue, supplying muscle cells with oxygen and nerve impulses that allow for muscle contraction. Skeletal muscle is organized into several muscle groups that work in coordination to perform body movements. Some of these groupings include head and neck muscles (facial expressions, chewing, and neck movement), trunk muscles (moving the chest, back, abdomen, and vertebral column), upper extremity muscles (moving the shoulders, arms, hands, and fingers), and lower extremity muscles (moving the legs, ankles, feet, and toes).Visceral (Smooth) Muscle: Visceral muscle is found in various parts of the body including the blood vessels, the bladder, and the digestive tract as well as in many other hollow organs. Like cardiac muscle, most visceral muscle is regulated by the autonomic nervous system and is under involuntary control. Visceral muscle is also called smooth muscle because it doesnt have cross striations. Visceral muscle contracts slower than skeletal muscle, but the contraction can be sustained over a longer period of time. Organs of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and reproductiv e systems are lined with smooth muscle. This muscle can be described as rhythmic or tonic. Rhythmic, or phasic, smooth muscle contracts periodically and spends most of the time in a relaxed state. Tonic smooth muscle remains contracted for the majority of the time and only relaxes periodically. Other Facts About Muscle Tissue Adults have a certain number of muscle cells. Through exercise, such as weight lifting, the cells enlarge but the overall number of cells does not increase. Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles because we have control over their contraction. Our brains control skeletal muscle movement. However, reflex reactions of skeletal muscle are an exception. These are involuntary reactions to external stimuli. Visceral muscles are involuntary because, for the most part, they are not consciously controlled. Smooth and cardiac muscles are under the control of the peripheral nervous system.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

A Teacher s View And Experience With Children With...

Every student is unique and learns differently from everyone else. An important part of a teacher’s job, especially in elementary school, is to identify how each child learns best and help them to achieve success. As the years progress more and more students are being diagnosed with some sort of learning disability. A learning disability is a neurological disorder that affects the way a person processes information. I believe that it is vital that all teachers learn how to accommodate learning disabled students accordingly because every child deserves the right to thrive. To learn about a teacher’s view and experience with children with learning disabilities, I interviewed my fifth grade teacher, Mr. Zuber. Mr. Zuber is one of the first people who inspired me to be a teacher and he has always been one of my role models. He currently teaches fifth grade at Silver Hill Horace Mann Charter School in Haverhill, Ma. He has been a teacher for twenty-seven years and has also taught in Winthrop and Lowell. From his experience, he has come to the conclusion that there is never enough support for this particular group of students. According to Mr. Zuber, â€Å"Some of these kids are very bright and do extremely well but they need the proper supports and sometimes they are not always getting what they need and when it does occur it can be really positive.† This means that with the proper support and help from others these learning disabled students can thrive and meet their goals. In hisShow MoreRelatedEarly Childhood Education Essay1573 Words   |  7 Pagesmind is an important step in preparing the child for future learning experiences. The evolution of early childhood education has changed how adults and parents view the importance of offering stimulating and exciting opportunities to the very young. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

A Qualitative Study on Popular and Classical Music free essay sample

It has been, like everything else, affected by the rate of speed of technological accomplishments in this century. Because classical music is one genre of music, it is expected that it has also evolved during this period of time and it is has also been subjected to advancements in technology. Musical Characteristics About the only generalization one can make about modern classical music is to say, it is diverse and often complex. Composers have written for every conceivable medium from a single, solo instrument to a huge symphony orchestra. They have written for conventional orchestra instruments, expected performers to play conventional instruments in nonconventional ways, and written for nonconventional instruments, adding them to the orchestra or creating new ensembles. Composers have written for a tremendous diversity of instrumental combinations, many of them small in number and many incorporating the solo voice. When a composer wrote for large orchestra, the texture frequently was more thin and transparent than was common in orchestral writing towards the end of the nineteenth century. Chromaticism had increased and harmony had become complex, at times reducing the clarity of tonality to the point of absence of tonal center. Melodies were longer, phrases were less clear, and form was more difficult to discern. To a great extent, twentieth-century composers have placed considerable emphasis on timbre and rhythm rather than on melody and harmony, creating the need for a different way of listening to music than when a melody predominates. Silence has become a conscious compositional device in modern music and not just a time for a performer to rest. The organization and form of music ranged from totally controlled to free and improvisatory music. In controlled music, the composer gives minute instructions about how the music should be played. In the more free music, performers, in some cases, are given instructions to improvise passages, usually within certain guidelines and restrictions. Much of this music is organized in time segments, measured in seconds rather than bars and phrases. The horizontal pitch organization is typically angular and disjunct, moving with wide intervals or skips. Melodic lines span wide, even extreme, ranges. Dissonance is the rule, and unresolved dissonances and sustained tension are common. Modern classical music may be tonal, but any sense of a major or minor key most likely will be obscure. Some music lacks any sense of key feeling, and some may sound in two or more keys at the same time. Frequently, pitches are based on scales other than major or minor. They may incorporate scales found in other cultures or scales invented by the composer. The five-note pentatonic scale and a whole-tone scale, which excludes half steps, are common in some modern pieces. Many modern composers, however, are experimenting with a return to tonal music. Major Stylistic Developments Certain developments in musical style have occurred in the twentieth century. Some are derived from or run parallel to developments in painting; some are a continuation of earlier stylistic concepts in music; still others are musical developments which belong distinctly to the twentieth century. It should be kept in mind, in any case, that no one stylistic development represents all the music literature of the twentieth century; not all compositions fit neatly into one or another of these classifications; most are the result of several influences. Neoromanticism The term neoromanticism applies to the continuance of German romantic traditions. Post-Wagnerian style continued well into the 20th century. It is characterized not only by a somewhat heavy emotionalism, enormous orchestras, and great symphonic lengths, but also by advances in harmonic idiom and orchestration. Representative composers are Mahler, Bruckner, Richard Strauss, and Sibelius. Impressionism Impressionism is derived from the philosophy and practice of a group of French painters, notably Monet and Renoir, in the last few decades of the nienteenthh century. Impressionism in music was a reaction to the massive, intellectual Germanic music as practiced by Brahms, Wagner, and Mahler. It is best typified in the music of Claude Debussy (1862-1918) and is marked by the delicate sonorities of flute, harp, and strings rather than massive sounds of brass and by subtle shadings rather than dramatic contrasts of tone color. Impressionistic music is sensuous and beautiful and seldom harsh. It may be described generally as having refinement, delicacy, vagueness, and an over-all â€Å"luminous fog† atmosphere. Expressionism The term expressionism, like â€Å"impressionism†, was borrowed from painting. In general, it was intended to mean the expression of the inner self, especially the subconscious, as oppose to impressionism as an interpretation of external things. Expressionism in art, which gave rise to abstraction and surrealism, found its parallel in music from about 1910 to 1925 in the radical works of such composers as Schoenberg, Webern, and Berg. Expressionistic music is characteristically subjective, dissonant, and atonal, although, these traits are by no means confined to the expressionistic category. Neoclassicism Many twentieth-century composers have valued the importance of form and structure in their music, in many cases returning to the common practices and aesthetic values of the past. The new classicism or neoclassicism of the 20th century represents a return to ideals of the 18th century while retaining modern techniques of harmony, tonality, melody, etc. Neoclassical music may be derived from past practices, but its language is not. A neoclassical piece by Stravinsky, perhaps the best-known neoclassical composer, does not sound like Mozart, but it may have commonalities with the classic ideals of control, order, emotional restraint, adherence to formal structure, minimal instrumentation, and transparent texture. Neoclassicism is largely antiromantic and predominantly objective. It strives for simplicity and clarity of material, form, texture, and medium. An important attribute of neoclassicism is the revival of interest in contrapuntal technique. Atonal Music and Serialism In traditional tonal music, compositions usually are organized around sets of whole-step/half-step patterns that establish key centers: the major or minor scales. Atonality in music composition existed when any establishment of a tonal center was deliberately avoided. This provided an alternative approach to the major/minor tonal system. Serialism, known as serial composition or twelve-tone technique, evolved as a systematic means of organizing atonal music. It was a formula that served as the basis got creating a piece of music. The essence of serialism is a set of pitches comprised, typically, of the twelve tones of the chromatic scale, each half step within the octave. This set of pitches – a tone row – is the basis of the composition; by its nature, it avoids key centers. The tone row is subsequently used in various forms in its entirety, never repeating a tone until the entire row is completed. In addition to its original order of pitches, the row may be used backward, or upside down. The first and most important composer associated wth this means of organizing sounds in music was Arnold Schoenberg, although few composers, including Schoenberg, adhered to the system with rigidity except perhaps in a few pieces. Nationalism and Folk Music Nationalism became a major stylistic feature among a number of late-nineteenth-century composers, particularly from Russia and Eastern Europe. Many twentieth-century composers from throughout Europe and America valued nationalistic attributes in their music. Among the most noted of these was Bela Bartok. Electronic Music The impetus of electronic music came from the development of magnetic tape recording. Technicians in Paris experimented with musique concrete, a name given to the technique of manipulating tape recorded sounds from existing natural sources. The altered sounds, combined with natural sounds, could then serve as sound sources for composition. The next development in electronic music was the construction of sound-generating equipment and synthesizers in which the electronic sound generation was combined with sound modification. Composers could now control every detail of their creation: rhythm, dynamics, pitch organization, timbre, reverberation, and even how a tone is begun and released. Most electronic music today is created to be used with live performance. The performance may include standard instrument(s) with prerecorded rape or a standard instrument using tape for sound modification. The most recent development that will most likely dominate the field in generations to come is computer-generated music. Here the composer plots desired sounds in numerical sequence, feeds them into a digital-to-analog converter, and records these sounds on tape. Software programs now make this process easy through MIDI (musical Instrument Digital Interface) that connects a computer with a synthesizer to store sounds and to produce sounds for recording or immediate playback in live performance. One of the most prominent of early composers of electronic music was Edgard Varese. Chance Music Chance music, sometimes called indeterminate music, allows the performer to participate in the creative process. This process can include the random selection of sounds, selection by chance, or improvised passages within the structure of a composition. The overall structure may be indicated in a score, but details are left to the performer. A work utilizing techniques of chance music will never be performed the same way twice. The most noted exponent of chance music is John Cage. Minimalism Minimalism is a style of composition that seeks the greatest effect from the least amount of material. It emerged in the late 1960s with music by Philip Glass, in part as a reaction against the complexities of serialism and other twentieth-century styles that lacked melodic shape, tonal clarity, and perhaps audience appeal. The technique of minimalism is to take a musical pattern or idea and repeat it incessantly, creating slow subtle changes in rhythm, chord movement, or other musical elements. The rhythmic activity may be fast, but the speed of change in the ativity will be slow.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Luka Magnotta and His Crimes

Luka Magnotta, a star of adult video industry has become famous because he was charged and treated as the perpetrator of crimes with psychopathic and sickening nature (â€Å"Luka Magnotta, accused in infamous body-parts case, faces preliminary inquiry Monday† par. 1).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Luka Magnotta and His Crime specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In 2013, the trial that looks at the matter has begun and is continuing today. The potential story is as follows. On the 25th of May, 2012, Luka has invited his lover, Lin Jun, a 33 year old student from China. Luka then tied Lin to the bed, turned on a video camera and started stabbing Lin with an ice pick into the chest. He then commenced sexual acts on the dead body and allegedly ate some flesh of his victim. The video was posted online for the public to see. The body was severed into limbs and different parts were sent into several instit utions, including a school. After this Luka Magnotta went into hiding (â€Å"Luka Magnotta preliminary hearing suspended for the day†). On May 26th 2012, the police were notified of the video that showed the murder and following acts. The police decided it was a fake and disregarded the report. On May 29th 2012 a torso was found in Magnotta’s home in a bag. At this time, Lin Jun was reported missing. The same day Conservative Party of Canada has received a parcel with a severed human foot. The note in the parcel stated that six body parts were sent to different addresses and that the killer will not stop. At this time, Interpol became involved. On June 4th, 2012, Luka Magnotta was arrested in a cafà © in Berlin while he was reading an article about himself (â€Å"Disturbing specifics of Magnotta case a secret to all Canadians †¦ except these people† par. 3). On June 5th, 2012 two schools have received parcels that had a strange and distinct odor. June 18th of the same year, Luka Magnotta was extradited to Canada to receive trial. July 1st, 2012, the head of the victim was found in a park. June 21st, 2012 the hearing about the case was decided to be in March of 2013 (â€Å"Timeline of events: The Luka Rocco Magnotta case† par. 17). The media has extensively covered the case and has received an extremely vast amount of attention. Social networks and websites have been abuzz about the case and the following has been increasing. Magnotta has even gained some fans (â€Å"Luka Magnotta Dedication† par. 1). The whole time Magnotta is denying his guilt and has appeared in court several times.Advertising Looking for research paper on law? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Even though there were some provisions to forbid the case going public, there are pictures and videos online that show the acts and pictures of the accused (Wilton 1). From the attention that the media has shown and the public outcry it is possible to conclude that the case is one of a kind. Such cruelty has rarely been seen by the public. There are several examples in history, like Paul Bernard and Karla Homolka that have shown similar sickening and cruel acts towards other people. Magnotta showed some emotion and collapsed but sincerity is questionable (Sidhartha 1). It is obvious that a person of sane mind would never be able to commit such acts. Someone who is able to go through the process is without a doubt a sick individual whose brain is malfunctioning. The most disturbing fact is that the general public has access to the graphic contents and that the law makers and the government were not able to prevent such information from appearing on the internet (â€Å"Luka Magnotta seeks to have public banned from preliminary hearing next week† par. 1). This shows how unorganized the society is and how news hungry the media of the world can be. The case is historically significa nt as it can be aligned with the torture and cruelty of the human kind towards itself. Works Cited Banerjee, Sidhartha. Luka Magnotta Collapses In Court During Preliminary Hearing. 2013. Disturbing specifics of Magnotta case a secret to all Canadians †¦ except these people. 2012.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Luka Magnotta and His Crime specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Luka Magnotta, accused in infamous body-parts case, faces preliminary inquiry Monday. 2013. Web. Luka Magnotta Dedication. 2013. Web. Luka Magnotta preliminary hearing suspended for the day. 2013. Web. Luka Magnotta seeks to have public banned from preliminary hearing next week. 2013. Web. Timeline of events: The Luka Rocco Magnotta case. 2013. Web. Wilton, Katherine. Luka Rocco Magnotta trial: Publication ban covers preliminary hearing. 2013. Web. This research paper on Luka Magnotta and His Crime was written and submitted by user Braden Olsen to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.